Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Victorian Valentine's Day.

Aradhna and I saw a new Bollywood film called Billu Barber on Valentine's Day in the CBD. Here's a few photos of the excursion.
Walking to the nearby Eaglemont train station we encountered a line of people at a sausage sizzle being held for victims of the bushfires. Neither of us eat beef so we made a donation.

If it weren't for late-model cars lining its tiny main street, Eaglemont would look no different than its 19th-century incarnation.

While most greenscapes have been scorched during Melbourne's driest ever start to a year, the CBD's Fitzroy Gardens are preserved by specially sanctioned waterings.

Indigenous plants thrive in even the most dire of Aussie conditions.

Picnickers were a familiar sight throughout the Gardens ...

... as were posing wedding parties.

Northeastern horizon from Aradhna's 43rd-floor office window is obscured by bushfire smoke, a condition that will persist until a miracle of precipitation descends on us.

St Patrick's Cathedral towers over Old Parliament House.

Oscar in his usual spot -- and state of excitement -- when we returned to Ivanhoe.

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