Monday, 10 August 2009

A nose for Fiji.

Richmond was in the midst of another pummeling yesterday so I channel-flipped and came upon a film called His Majesty O'Keefe. Released in 1953 and starring an almost unrecognizable Burt Lancaster, it was a standard South Seas romp that jumped back and forth from Microneasian islands to Hong Kong. But the beach scenes looked very familiar, and more than once I heard 'natives' say words like 'vanaka' and 'ni sa bula', which are Fijian for 'thank you' and 'greetings'.

A few minutes on the inter-webs and voila:
In 1954, Burt Lancaster shot a movie called His Majesty O Keefe about a privateer who realized there was more to life than his own personal fortune. The plot is pretty campy but it’s a kick to see if you get the chance—especially if you’re a Burt Lancaster fan. The storyline placed the film on Yap in Micronesia, but you can hear banter in Fijian if you listen closely.
The next film to be shot in Fiji? MINE.

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