Wednesday 18 November 2009

"Hard to believe I was in America.'

Hurricane Katrina exposed a facet of United States reality that an ad-revenue-dependent media never shows. This clip from Countdown of a recent free health checkup in New Orleans does the same.

Do those who bellow against the 'evils of government-run healthcare' have eyes? Ears? Hearts? Or do they see the skin color of the US citizens shown in this clip -- men & women with jobs, families and, all too often, untreated illnesses -- and think rancid thoughts that would have made Ronnie 'Welfare queens drive Cadillacs!' Reagan proud?

I grew up with racists. Their words and opinions echo in my memories. What's shocking about the United States in 2009 is that nearly identical words and opinions to the ones that made me cringe at family gatherings are now expressed openly via the vast right-wing media.

This conservative, corporate media is beholden to insurance company and pharmaceutical ad revenue. The poor people shown above waiting in line for health checkups in New Orleans don't produce revenue for anyone but themselves and their loved ones.

They have as much chance as the 9th Ward had against Katrina.

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