Monday 14 December 2009

Brilliant disabusal.

A perfectly pitched response to climate change deniers taking delight in mocking a woman whose home in the Solomon Islands is slowly being flooded:
Out come the selfish, bigoted, narrow minded recalcitrants again on their hobby horse that everyone in the climate science community, the political class and the bulk of humanity are wrong and they are the only ones who have access to the truth. They squeal like stuck pigs every time they think that they might have to think about someone but themselves. Long after effective climate action has been taken and we have moved on to the next challenge to humanity and the planet they will still be promoting their shonky science and insisting they were right all along.

We need a new category in the Darwin awards for those who have done most by their sheer obduracy and pigheadedness to threaten the future of humanity. This lot would be the clear favourites to scoop the pool. The fascinating thing about this whole debate is the passion with which the denialists hold their views and the determination with which they struggle to avoid producing any peer reviewed science to support those. It is not hard to find the reason why of course, as the material they need does not exist.

They go on quoting 'facts' they have trawled from the internet which, on examination turn out to be fraudulent or irrelevant to the science. It is a tribute to the capacity of humanity for the endless pursuit of meaningless activity.

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