Wednesday 20 January 2010

Last snaps.

Loss of a valued possession happens in stages. First, of course, is the losing, which the mind can't recollect but lingers as a shadow, a foul tingle, a haunting of the conscience that something's amiss. The brain's Battalion General quickly swings into action, uninvited, and claims control of the situation. "Enemy combatants have been accounted for," it bellows. "False alarm, false alarm!" Like all military proclamations, these assurances fade like smoke from a rifle, and the rational brain gets itchy for visual proof that all is indeed well. A futile search follows, revealing nothing. The shadow grows and hovers, a brutish ghost with heft and an axe to grind: Stupid possessor. Foolish owner. Loser.

So ... here are the last photos taken with a camera that was a constant companion in the Fiji Islands, several Aussie states, even the US back in 2007. The one above is the last one downloaded onto my laptop. It was taken Sunday from outside the State Library of Queensland in South Bank.
Aradhna and I enjoyed a lovely lunch at Emily & Michael's ever-improving homestead in Sassafras.

Bahut sundar ladaki.

Dandenong Mountains skyscape.

Theo seeks shade outside our Ivanhoe apartment.

Aradhna with Kathryn, a former colleague and friend who's had us up to her newly built home in Preston for several delicious meals.

Aradhna is greeted by, Kathryn's friendly pooch.

Some doofus.

Theo showing what he's got.

My ride back to Brisbane.

Riverside view in South Bank Parklands.

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