Tuesday 27 April 2010

A walk in Sherbrooke Forest.

Succumbing to a demand from Aradhna that we venture to the Dandenongs -- precise destination determined by me, of course -- my lovely wife and I took a 45-minute drive to Dandenong Ranges National Park and walked an easy track in Sherbrooke Forest. I drifted among towering mountain ash and fern trees like a child wandering beneath a circus big top, bewildered by the proximity of natural splendour on offer so close to the Melbourne CBD. Aradhna, bless her heart, put up with my constant prattling and pauses to snap photos with her iPhone (I have yet to replace the camera lost in Brisbane -- my penance). Here are the results.
Aradhna snapped this as we snaked into the Dandenong Ranges.

The Dandenongs were clear-cut to build Melbourne in the 19th-century. These soaring Mountain Ash are over 100 years old.

Even a galoot like me fit comfortably into the trunk of this massive tree.

Aradhna waited as I made like a hoodied possum ...

... and even joined me for a photo.

My inglorious dis-hibernation.

Snapped this just before a rain shower 'refreshed' us on our way back to the car.

1 comment:

The Rhyme Animal said...

Please don't let our "liberal" friends here see this, instead of hugging trees, they may suggest we jettison our homes and live in trees--themselves excluded, of course!!