Wednesday 3 April 2013

Schooling a Murdoch troll on Springsteen.

I knew someone would attempt to inject Springsteen's visit to Australia into the nation's childish, playground-level political discourse. A bloated, churlish and ultimately irrelevant political writer at Murdoch's national masthead (I won't link to it -- it would be like scattering rat poison on a crowded beach) proved me right. Yesterday, this partisan hack intimated fans were booing Springsteen's playing of 'Red Headed Woman' at the final Melbourne show, thinking it was somehow connected to Australia's red-headed premier. One of several Springsteen fans I'm connected to on Twitter posted this:
OK tweeps who were at Melbourne, the Australian are claiming the crowd booed Red Headed Woman and the boos were aimed at Gillard? True/False
I and a few others chimed in on the claim's inaccuracy. Bruce plucked two 'Red Headed Woman' signs from the crowd and laid them against the mic stand. He then spent a few minutes trying to identify the song's key, ample time for a crowd to voice its displeasure. No. There was only silence as Bruce prepared to play a song a great majority of the crowd knew nothing about. Here's the sad sack's mea culpa:
Bruce Springsteen fans have spoken, and they're not happy with Capital Circle. To recap -- our snout at last week's Springsteen concert in Melbourne heard the crowd boo when The Boss said he was going to sing Red Headed Woman, and believed the feedback was directed at Julia Gillard. But others at Rod Laver Arena that night say they didn't hear it. So we consulted special correspondent Patrick Lion, a Daily Telegraph reporter and Bruce Springsteen tragic who was also there on the night. Said Lion: "Maybe it was people saying 'Brooooooce' rather than booing -- a common error. I didn't hear anything, though it depends where you are located in an arena as big as that." So, there you have it. Stand down twitterati.
First time I've ever been included in a 'twitterati' reference. Note how the writer can't help but act indignant at being called out for his lazy, presumptive 'reporting'. Typical Murdoch troll.

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