Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Viking Chess in St Kilda

I know the header of this post makes little sense. I wrote it and couldn't offer a cogent explanation. Nonetheless, Aradhna took this photo with her phone of me engaging in a game of 'Viking Chess' on the St Kilda foreshore. We were there to celebrate the birthday of Hayley, our favourite South African and a work colleague of Aradhna's. I don't know if Viking Chess is something South Africans learn from a young age or if it's something Hayley won in a tavern drinking game, but as the following photos show it was greatly enjoyed after several cocktails at Hayley's apartment and as the sun set on a perfect Saturday.

The winners of game 1. Aradhna said she was going for a King Tutankhamun impersonation. Clever girl.

Winners celebrating a dominating victory in game 2. Aradhna woke up the next day with an extremely sore back. Um ......... karma?

I only take selfies with people who attractive people. Diversion is my friend.

Sunset in St Kilda.

Back at Hayley's place afterwards we were joined by a few latecomers. One of them, Sanja, assisted Hayley in the time-honoured tradition of cooking up miniature wienies.

Marie and Kevin.

Sanja reacts to a trio of Saffers tooting party horns. 

It was a fun evening.

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