Wednesday 14 November 2007

Southern comfort

The two great Southern pastimes are college football and eatin'. As the Vols bore me to tears, I'm shoving comfort into my face at every opportunity. Spending this rainy Tuesday afternoon in drought-bedeviled eastern Tennessee at Maryville's Panera Bread (shown above), where I met my niece Amanda for coffee & a sweet before she went to work. Unsettling to watch someone you held as an infant drive away in their Jeep ... ...
Amanda showing off her new necklace, a gift from Mr & Mrs Sharma.

Mom and her beloved Dawn.

Oh, the indignities of being a spoiled dog ......

Fall foliage as seen in the back of mom's house ....

... striking sunset as seen in front.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melbourne is not the same without you.