Wednesday 19 December 2007

Don't look back.

Writing in a sea of cardboard boxes, personal effects, blooming suitcases and displaced furniture in St Kilda East, a 15-minute tram ride from Melbourne CBD and the town Aradhna and I will call home for at least the next 13 months. This past weekend saw me take a plane, train, taxi and 3-tonne rental truck (driver's window view along the Hume Highway shown above) to gather our possessions in Sydney and deliver them here. We moved out of our temporary East Melbourne digs and into this 2-bedroom apartment Monday. Deep breath ... now cleaning, modernizing, unpacking, organizing and disciplining ourselves not to visit the local cafes, shops and Jewish bakeries along nearby Carlisle Street.
After flying to Sydney early Saturday and then loading the truck with invaluable help from sasuji and lovely lunch from sasuma, I drove a few hours south to Goulburn, where I snapped this photo early Sunday morning along the sheep town's main drag.

Another Budget rental truck, this one bigger and in more tropical environs than the one driven from Asbury Park to Tennessee just last month.

After a rainy start in New South Wales, the skies blazed blue in Victoria.

Koala hazard sign. I've never seen one -- alive or dead -- along an Aussie roadway.

Twenty-five kms north of the CBD, Melbourne's skyline appeared like a distant, well, Oz.

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