Sunday 7 March 2010

Saturday in Sassafras.

Aradhna & I drove up to Emily & Michael's Sassafras abode yesterday for a party celebrating Michael's b-day. Lovely to see both of them, of course, but also a pleasure to meet their friends (a bunch of whom are pictured above). Emily is a fellow ex-pat who met her Aussie husband when they both worked in London. Several ex-pats were at the party. Always nice to hear a familiar accent -- even ones being worn unrecognisable by years in Oz.

Wild weather made Emily & Michael's lush property a multi-sensory experience. A wall of wind crossed the Dandenongs, followed by sheets of wind and hail the size and shape of human eyeballs (right). Sassafras is roughly 40 km from Melbourne's CBD, which copped a pounding from the 'freak storm' that dropped hail big enough to damage the roofs of Southern Cross Station and the Arts Centre.

No such dramas in the mountains. The party carried on unfazed while a soft fog wandered through the tops of surrounding evergreens (left). I stepped outside several times to absorb the air's ripeness and sink my feet into beds of soaked pine needles and mud. A brilliant change from Brisbane's unrelenting sub-tropical onslaught. It's good to be back in Victoria.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So interesting to read about other countries and their surrounding areas, Joe.
I am leaving for Germany March 17th for 3 weeks. Charlie's son Mark is being confirmed... Can you believe charlie has a son that is 21 years old?? It is hard for me to believe that the years have just flown by, it seems..His other 2 sons, Mark is 14 and Jason 13.
Take care, Cous and it is always wonderful to hear from you!!