Thursday 25 March 2010

A sickening slaughter

If left to politicians and gov't bureaucrats, the fate of wildlife in Melbourne's northern suburbs is doomed.

Damning, disgraceful proof is the slaughter of a mob of at least two dozen roos (two of whom are shown above in a photo from 2007) that wildlife volunteers were in the process of relocating from a quickly developing suburb called South Morang. The 'humane cull' took place in January.

In secret.

By a cowardly collection of paid-off and morally bankrupt henchmen called the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE).

Narelle Smith, a woman I've been fortunate to work with as a Wildlife Rescuers volunteer and who'd been involved in efforts to relocate the roo mob, was quoted as saying: "We had been assessing relocation sites in Humevale, Whittlesea, St Andrews and Strathewen as recently as last week ... No one had known (the kangaroos had been shot). We were only advised today (Friday)."

Ron Waters, incompetent bureaucrat. Ron Waters, trigger-happy stooge. Ron Waters, perversely titled 'wildlife manager', formally explained the DSE's decision in a press release with the sort of illogical and cold-blooded reasoning common to government hacks. The 'health and safety of the roos was at risk', 'it was a difficult decision' blah blah blah. Oxygen waster Ron Waters knew these roos could be saved. But Ron Waters chose to have them murdered. His words are as worthless as the souls of the 'professional shooters' who did his dirty work.

I left a comment on the article in the local paper:
I wonder ... did the DSE hold a lottery to pick the roo shooters? As this was clearly NOT a humane undertaking—volunteers were ready, willing and able to relocate the animals but a bloodless bureaucrat chose to murder them instead—I can imagine there would have been a great demand among ‘sportsmen’ to shine up their rifles and blast the heads off of Australia’s national symbol.

You know, for fun.

How would we know WHAT these people did, as it was all done in secret?

Issuing a press release after undertaking something so vile shows just how cowardly these bureaucrats are and how completely out of touch they are with the people who live and embrace these creatures in their communities.

Heroes save animals in need of help. Cowards kill them and call it ‘humane’.
A memorial protest is being held this Sunday 28 March 2010 at 2pm at Oleander Drive (just off McDonalds Rd) in South Morang. This atrocity cannot go unchallenged.

And I can guarantee not a single gutless coward like Ron Waters from the DSE will be in attendance. It'll be daylight, with lots of witnesses. Not Ron Waters' style.

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