Monday 19 November 2007

Two- & four-legged familia

My brother Kevin & sister-in-law Ruth sip chai I made using sasurma's recipe & spices packed in Australia by Aradhna. As their attire shows, it was cold (26 F) yesterday morning for the yard sale held in mom's driveway.

More photos ....
A neighbor's horse nibbles on autumn leaves.

Mom's (ahem) husky (ahem) cat, Sam.

Kevin with Lily, one of his many dogs.

Two of Kevin's other dogs, Tony & Ruby, survey their domain.

Beside the pond on Kevin's property sit Amanda, Tony & Cocoa, the hillbilly cat.

This horse, spotted on a hillside down the gravel road from Kevin's place, raced up to my car when I stepped out to snap its picture. Unfortunately, I was without sugar cubes or carrots.

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