Saturday 17 November 2007

Pointless, but therapeutic.

Though few forums offer as little satisfaction as online comment sections, I couldn't resist responding to a reader named vatownsend's bleating about an EJ Dionne column in today's WaPo:
"You liberals had better get to work bashing conservatives, since the election of 2000 you all have become quite good at it, and it seems the only thing you do."
--Yes, vatownsend. All us crazy liberals do is 'bash' Bush. We don't pay attention to the damage this nation has suffered under the most corrupt and anti-American administration in history. It's left to conservative patriots like yourself to point out the heroic deeds of our brilliant Republican leadership ... oh, wait ... you didn't mention their successes ... didn't explain why you support an administration that's been abandoned by a great number of conservatives ... you didn't even defend the administration from Dionne's column ... you simply 'bashed' those who think for themselves and react to the 'reality' world, not the packaged propaganda favored by flag-waving chest-thumpers. Like yourself. I wish I could be more like you. Damn my functioning brain!

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